
Δευτέρα 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2019


Man is not a random creation of the universe.
We were not created by accident as a consequence of what scientists call ‘Big Bang’ nowadays and of course we do not come as other scientists might claim from the ape.
I have expressed and explained my views on this topic in my previous speeches, so to save time, for those who are watching me; I do not have to repeat them today.
Man was not accidentally created. In other words, God did not say: ”What should I do today? What shall I do to spend my time? Why not make man?’’ when He had nothing to do and talking to Himself. He did not make us to spend His time. Of course not and forgive me for the way I presented it to you. But nothing happens to the universe at random, my children. Nothing happens by chance in the world of God.
Even for the supporters of the ‘Big Bang’ at the beginning of creation, I have to say that someone lit the wick to make this explosion, having previously planned the course of the explosion, and everything that would follow to the last detail.
The results of that explosion billions of years ago are evolving and discovered even today. We have already mentioned that nothing is accidental. However, the explosion does not produce emotion, it does not produce tears, it does not produce soul, it does not produce spirit.
Spirit......... What did I say now? Spirit. An omnipotent energy body that can be found everywhere in the universe, unaffected by the conditions prevailing there and thinking, deciding, acting, and creating without the risk of being destroyed.
Without the risk of being destroyed, of course, since it complies with all the obligations and conditions required by the spiritual world. There is order and harmony in the universe and the spirit cannot do whatever it wants.
Spirit is a valuable helper and partner of our Creator. God.
But where does the spirit come from? From human.  Conveying in him all the memories, experiences and values that man has acquired during this lifetime.
 Yes. We are not vanished after death. We are just born as spirits in another world, in the world of God, in another dimension but keeping our memories of this life. We do not cease to exist. The reason why man was created by God, my children, is the spirit that he creates during his life's journey.
A precious helper and associate of God, a gracious God if he evolves properly that will also be able to create in the wonderful world of our Creator.
We come as souls in this world. Our creator puts in us energy from Himself from the beginning of our course as people and so, we would say, we start functioning. It is what we call soul.
And it is again what God Himself means when he tells us that He has created us in His image and likeness. Energy by image and likeness.
Not in appearance. Otherwise, we would all be the same.
We are the energy of His own energy that He has entrusted it to us to accompany us to our journey in this life. This is how we become one body with Him. An eternal body in a promising eternal relationship. In order to develop ourselves as souls, to become precious spirits and partners in the work taking place in His world.
For an eternity.
That's why He created man. There was a reason for the creation of man and no accidental event occurred. Everything was thoughtfully and wisely done by Him.
And where we are going as spirits now, depending on the value we have acquired of course, according to the quality and the purity of our spirit, we will be ranked in the position that we deserve and we can respond, according to our abilities and our eternal journey will begin, putting a small piece in the function and balance of the universe ourselves too.
There is continuous education, activities, there is life. Quality life and creation.
God told us: I have many apartments in Heaven. Going on a little further, I would say that Paradise has many levels. What God called apartments and depending on the grade we graduated from the school of life, depending on the quality we delivered to our spirit while living, it will be ranked at the equivalent level with other spirits that have also gathered the same rating.
The spirits, for example, which have graduated with 10 in their graduation from this life, will be at the level of spirits with a score of 10.
The same goes for those which gathered 20, the same for those which gathered 30 and who knows how far the rating of a spirit's assessment can go.
The most beautiful thing concerning this classification which also gives us a sign of God's wisdom but also of his love for man is that those who have gathered 10, for example, will not know that above them at higher levels there are many other spirits that have scored better, so that they will not feel they have failed in the world of God. So those with a 10 as a score will live happily in Paradise, dealing with activities that can be managed by someone judged by this rating.
As long as we enter Paradise. From then on, without having lost our consciousness and memories of this life, we will live a happy life without fear, without human needs and obligations for money, rents, food and, in general, everything that filled us with anxiety and sorrow while we were in life.
At the level we can express ourselves and exist. Where we were ranked.
To verify what I say about the levels of Paradise, I will remind you of the Second Corinthian letter of Saint Paul, in which he tells the Corinthians about his rapture from the earth and his rise to the third heaven where he saw the great and wonderful of the world, which of course a human mouth cannot describe and say.
What Saint Paul described as a third heaven, I describe it as a third level. We refer to the same thing.
And because what I say up to now might make some people think everything is all right after death. ‘Why do I torture myself here? I'm leaving.’ Even if they want to end their presence here, with the troubles from the problems, illnesses and darkness putting an end to their lives, I will say this: ‘You might be able to leave, my child. This is certain. The case is you cannot imagine where you will be found the moment that you escape life.’
From the beginning, I would like to make clear that you should forget about Paradise and the wonderful things I described before for those who are there. You will regret what you did a thousand times when you see who will receive you and what you will be doing. Thousands of times you will beg to go back to earth and double the suffering that led you to suicide.
But then....... My child it will be late.
You will not only have killed your body but also the spirit of God that you have been entrusted to safely keep within that body and evolve it. You will have destroyed your soul.
So you do not need me to say it. You understand that ...... you should forget about Paradise.
Those who have fought, evolved, tried and succeeded in their love and truth will find themselves in Paradise, regardless of the level, cultivating their spirit so that it can live up to Heaven.
Nothing is given to the world of God unless someone deserves it. It is not like the earth where a spiritually and qualitatively unworthy man can  possess great offices, kingdoms, empires, riches and glory, exploiting circumstances, acquaintances, dirty deals, consciously selling his soul to evil, torturing and tormenting human souls.
You will tell me: « Well, these people’s spirits where do they go? » You all know the answer. Whatever they call their world, it is certain that it will be far from the love and warmth of God.
Far-off as our people say.
But as I was saying before and this is what we are interested in today's speech, is where we will go and what specifications are needed to get there.
In Heaven. What do we have to do so that our spirit can be found in the world of God?
You know, my children. No one from Heaven will blame us if we do not become saints. They will blame us and we will be judged for because we have not tried to become one. But as a result of this effort, our final score will come out when we graduate from this life. From this effort, it will be judged whether we will be in the world of God and of course at what level too.
Now ......... is there anyone of you my children who really wants to be in Paradise?
I am saying this because if there is someone in the world who has this intention, they should continue listening to this speech. If  someone watching  the channel wanted to listen to a couple of words but they do not really care about Paradise, let the video stop now because they may not like the following in my speech and I would not like to hurt them.
Because, my children, truth that will hurt us will be heard.  Because this truth is related to our truth in this world.  It refers to whom we think we are, who we tell others we are and who we really are.
So all of us want to go to Paradise. And we said that there are spirits who have gathered some score needed there, no matter at what level of Paradise they will eventually be ranked.
It's enough to go there. In the world created for us by Jesus Christ waiting for us.
The prerequisites to walk this path that leads there were given to us with his teachings and his orders. He has set the requirements and obligations. What we have to do to obtain the right to get there.
But my children, under all conditions and obligations and before we even begin to demand our rights and dream of our presence in Paradise, we should seriously, very seriously, ask ourselves: ‘Do we understand what's going on in this world? Are we really prepared to fight for this conquest of Paradise? Or…. days come and go, just repeating in our minds the goal of Paradise but diligently we refuse to fight for it?’
Do we really want to be saved? Our spiritual state up to this moment is able to stand equally with other higher spirits in the spiritual world and communicate, interact, exchange opinions and work with them or are we incomplete in all respects about this possibility?
They will tell us, for example, these higher spirits about values, morality, honesty, truth and we will tell them about when we were on earth, when our neighbor was throwing away the water of her laundry on the street and our brother who took our piece of land and other such bizarre things that would make the supreme spirits of Paradise wonder what is wrong in the sky and we ended up there.
A little far-fetched, my children, the example in the way I presented it but do not be fooled because it is not far from reality.
Of course, such a discussion will never take place in Paradise, for the simple reason that this spirit that carries with it the behavior of the neighbor and of the dishonest brother who took our land will never have the opportunity to find Paradise. Because it simply did not develop qualitatively. It never surpassed the human field. He has never succeeded in becoming God by the grace of God.
So how can they end up with the spirits who fought and succeeded?
But is this example enough to let the alarm in our minds go off and make us understand whether we are deficient as humans and to what extent? And if we really want to get there, is it enough to make us start today a sincere effort for this purpose? Because  God, my children, cannot be deceived. So who are we trying to fool   when we say that we want to go to Paradise without fighting for it?
Of course only ourselves.
But how can a person evolve their spirit so that they can get there?
First of all, study our holy books and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Did you hear what I said? Study. Not just read. I know too many who have read for example the Bible 10 or 20 times but they seem to have never met the word love. They have never met the words almsgiving, forgiveness, help to their neighbor, respect, temperance, true faith in God.
And I say that they have never met them because I cannot explain how it is possible that these people who are always with the Bible in hand, can do one hundred repentances in front of the icon of Christ, they will not miss a Mass, they will receive Holy Communion every Sunday but are still cruel and inhumane towards their neighbor.
They believe that they have secured Paradise because they read the Bible and make repentance. As I said God cannot be deceived.
 Holy Scriptures, my children and all of our holy books, our holy gospels and the wisdom of the Holy Fathers of our church were not written to be read so that we can spend our time. They were written and exist to study them. The truth lies behind the words. When we read them we get the information. I have said this before. But in order to make the information knowledge, we must practice and be tested in what we read as information.
To bring the information into our lives and to try through it and the tribulations that it will bring to our life’s fight to apply it. And if we succeed despite the difficulties in its implementation, to come out winners and of course changed for the better, only then it becomes knowledge and wisdom. Then there is only evolution and spiritual rise.
By reading, for example, in the teachings of Christ one hundred times the phrase ‘love each other’ but nevertheless, keep being tough with people because while we read it, we never decided to apply it to our lives, what have we done? Nothing at all.
All we can achieve is to confuse Christ in some way, seeing our behavior he will be wondering: ‘What did I say to them and what did those who say they are Christians understand? What relationship can they have with my teachings? And all these bad things they do in my name? What are these?’
These will our Christ think sadly.
In order to evolve, my children, spiritually we need to make the information knowledge as I said and in this process tests also come. Nothing is easy and nothing is gained without a price. To get on the bus we need to buy a ticket. To gain prestige and wealth, most of us have to give moral, values, and in general to disgrace the quality we have every day.
We exchange our dignity every day to keep our job. Our reputation, our honor, our freedom, our own existence, our soul are products to be exchanged in this world, which we can easily trade off in order to acquire or preserve something.
It is the game if you want, in which we take our tests as they are called, in order to evolve and prove to God the quality of the spirit we cultivate.
A testing, however, that God does not have to send us as most people claim. Life itself, our decisions and our choices are the ones that usually cause difficulties for us to test on them, to overcome them and evolve through them. God, if you wish, simply allows these tests to exist because it is our curriculum within the school of life.
Sometimes, however, this is true, He also sends us some hardships. These hardships usually have to do with empowerment and confirmation of our faith. Without tests, however, my children, we cannot evolve. How does God know if we are true and true to our values?
Most of us have God in our minds as someone who has to give us constantly. And if we do not see the result we are expecting we say there is no God, we throw the cross and the icons away from us and from our home and full of anger we swear at Him. And we do not think because we have no faith that the result we expected and did not come may have been our test for God to see if we are really His children or freeloaders.
When we lose one of our loved ones, some of us move away from God. When we have a flat tire at the National Road, some of us put the blame on God. We do not even have the basic perception to understand that God has more serious things to do than having a tire flat.
These are the tribulations that life itself puts us daily as I have mentioned. When we get a tilt because we ran a red light, we accuse God. These are the tribulations that come from our own wrong choices. I could talk for endless hours about tests we take every day and fail my children. But they are necessary.
Life is a school in which our spirit must evolve in order to be worthy to be found in the world of God and these tests are the lessons we have to go through.
There are people, I have heard many and I imagine you have heard too, who say: ‘Ιn my life the same thing is constantly happening. I continually find this situation in front of me or this fact. I cannot understand why this is happening to me.’
You cannot understand, my child, because you can’t think that what's going on all the time in your life is the lesson you have failed. The same test or event that you cannot at last handle correctly and learn its teaching to advance to the next class.
Testings for those who want to advance is necessary. We must have the courage, perseverance and faith needed to overcome them. We must evolve every day. We must stand out qualitatively from the masses of the rest of the people who have left the fight and move towards the path we have charted. Towards Paradise. 
And something I often say is that through lying no one ever entered Paradise.
Let us study our holy books, the teachings of our Christ and the Holy Fathers. Let us study them and draw conclusions from what we have read. We bring the conclusions into our lives and put them into practice in our everyday life, we overcome the tests that will appear, the information becomes knowledge, becomes wisdom and finally we cultivate a beautiful and unique spirit, ready to function in the world of God eternally.
My children, nothing is achieved without effort.
Let us have this in mind and let us not miss the opportunity in this life.
My blessing and my love.
Father Fanourios

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