
Τρίτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

MAN AND GOD. The wrong approach.

MAN AND GOD. The wrong approach.
Observing people and their behavior and studying historical, but also relevant pre-historic reports about people's behavior I find that man has always had a common impulse from his creation until now.
Regardless of the time of his presence on Earth, he always had an inner need. To seek protection from something that he considered superior and stronger than him.
The first years of his presence on the earth are definitely responsible for this need. He immediately felt the danger for his existence since he was defenseless to deal with the wild beasts of that time and extreme weather conditions. They were all things that he did not have the knowledge and the ability firstly to understand and then to find ways to overcome.
The first steps of his existence were full of fear, panic and despair. As if it was a kitten which had been born in a house which was closed and never had gone out of it and which had suddenly been put in a hall with hundreds of people who entertained themselves and danced in the sounds of loud music.
It will get angry, feel panicked and run like a madman to escape from this situation that it has no knowledge of and it cannot even understand what happened to it suddenly. This must be how the first people who were found on Earth felt. They were in an environment where they had no knowledge of what it was. They were savage because of fear and panic. They felt defenseless. Helpful.
And like all the creatures of our Creator, from their first appearance until now, when they find themselves in such a state of panic and danger, man also began to work with the instinct of self-protection and quick adaptation to any unknown challenge. One of the most intense instinctive reactions that came out of him was to ask for protection by something stronger than him. Something that he believed that if he got along with he would have its protection.
His instinct led him in search of the Creator.
As the frightened child runs in his mother’s arms where he instinctively knows that these arms will protect him from any danger.
So man felt the need to find what we call God here, on the Earth.
The functioning of his brain, however, was incomplete in order to conceive the notion of God, the Creator of everything, as we understand it today. So he turned his search to anything that seemed to him more powerful trying to feel safe from the supposed protection he would derive from what he had chosen for his God.
So he worshiped in his first steps the sun, the moon, the stone, the sea even animals at times and he did what his instinct told him. He was trying to do well with the God he loved, for God to rebuke protection, safety, good fortune and everything else he needed.
Those days, of course, there were no moral rules that God would ask for from people. What moral rules of life could the sun and the stone teach you? The most important thing that you will learn is that if you sit in the sun for long, you will get sunburn and if you hit your head on a rock, you will be hurt.
So? How can you get along well with a God who has not asked you for anything? You have to offer him something valuable. What was the most precious thing they had? Their life.
Consequently they started sacrificing people in honor of the sun, the moon and of anything else they might have worshiped. Others for whom human life had begun to have some value sacrificed their animals or something else that was valuable to them. Thus the first man began to cultivate a relationship of dependence, offering but also being self-subservient to something he considered superior and stronger than him.
Spiritual deceivers appeared, of course, as they appear in every era, who persuaded people that they express the wishes of God they worshiped and only they could communicate with God in order to tell others what, for example, the sun, the moon or water want from humans in order to give them what they desire.
They were the first priests of humanity. The priests of the sun or the priests of the sea etc.
And they enjoyed people’s respects by taking advantage of their position and of course they led a better life than the rest of them.
As years went by, man began to create Gods in a human form now to whom he gave supernatural powers and abilities. The need to submit to a God has entered through the evolutionary process of the human species, through its D.N.A, in order to feel safe that someone is watching over him and protecting him.
Development. Now he did not worship the sun. But he worshiped a God of human form who, according to man, could rule the sun. He no longer kneeled before the sea. He worshiped a God of human form who ruled the impertinence of the sea. And this was happening in all countries. The Scandinavians had their own Gods, Saxons had theirs, Greeks their own and so on.
The recipe was the same. People subjected themselves, their lives to the will of one God, and they were head down in order to secure their protection. Depending on their perception and spiritual evolution, they always adopted the God that expressed them at that time. All those Gods, created by people, were asking for was submission. They did not impose any moral rules of life to make people better. When Gods, as presented to us in writings, were immoral and treacherous, what ethics could they ask of men?
This was taken on by enlightened people with a free spirit. Philosophy was created this way. In other words, how to make man friends with wisdom. What wisdom though? The Wisdom of Thor? The wisdom of the Lady of the Lake? Or of Athena?
Of course not. I am talking about the wisdom of our Creator, with which man gradually began to communicate with his Creator and to take the first stimuli and messages from Heaven, turning them into life rules to be applied to Earth.
Gods, Gods, Gods, how many thousands of Gods did man create in the course of his evolution in every place he lived? Behold, every God of them asked different things. What was right for one God was wrong for the other. Difficult to perceive.
And who was the victim throughout this Divine parade over the centuries? Human.
And who did this to man? Who made him a victim? Man again.
Instead of struggling to strengthen himself, to understand by himself, to overcome the difficulties he found before him, he found it easy to give up the effort, to subdue to something that, in his imagination, was stronger than him, to seek help and protection and while he was born free, he found it easy to give away his values and abilities and become a slave to something he believed would protect him better.
And in all the periods of man's presence on Earth, there would always be the deceivers to exploit this weakness and to be proclaimed brokers between God and men and of course treasuring up for themselves.
Priests, oracles and a bunch of other charlatans of every age and country. Their job was one and only. Their only purpose was one. To keep people under the fear of God they believed in, to gain authority over them and so, my children, the course of people continued over the centuries, in the relationship they themselves had created between gods and men.
I am afraid of you, I declare my submission to you, protect me. I need to believe in a God. Whatever God that may be. Just to feel that He protects me. How could this human species evolve?
It was time for the Creator of man to intervene to save His creature. To help it evolve. It was time to make His existence known. To reveal the truth to them.
So He revealed Himself to people. I am your God and your Creator and I give you moral rules for your life to follow to become better people and He gave us the ten commands.
He was revealed, however, and gave moral rules to people who proved to be too small to understand everything that was revealed to them. Priests also assumed there with the art of fear, to explain God to people as it was advantageous to them. They brought everything to their own standards and they also had the time of their life.
But God had made His decisions. And He would correct them all.
He sent His son to Earth, as a great teacher to teach the deceived people the truth of God as it exists in heaven and to take them out of deception, spiritual slavery and free them. Of course the priests of that time wouldn’t let him. They crucified him.
We understand what He tells us but it is not in our best interest to adopt it. So they decided to crucify him. And they crucified him.
The man who had learned to bow down the sun, the sea, the air as his gods for centuries in order to have their protection, this foolish man, who was enslaved by himself to anything inexplicable, this man eventually, killed the son of the only God that exists. Who came to speak the truth to him. Free him from the fallacy.
False gods would cease to exist now. Meet your Creator and come to live all together in His world. Luckily, God's son was able to say enough before people killed him. He put the foundation for a better world on Earth and opened the way for the sky. He managed to liberate us from our spiritual slavery. He taught us love.
But thousands of years, with man having learned to fear whichever God he believed in, it has passed from D.N.A to D.N.A in our own cells and while the son of God taught us love, we prefer to worship Him in fear.
While He freed us, we prefer to be slaves again.
Instead of enjoying our freedom, we seek to find new sins every day to fear God. Do not throw the water of the laundry on Holy Friday in the street, you will go to hell. Did you have an abortion? You will go to hell. Have you cut your nails during Holy Week? You will go to hell.
Do not dye your hair blonde. Holy Mary had them brown. You will go to hell. {Yes, my children, it's been said too}
 As it has been said that if women wear pants Christ will not be able to distinguish them from men at the Second Advent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When a teacher's mind goes insane, it is better to withdraw from the teachings than to say such stupid things to people.
Every region of our country has invented its own sins which have not yet reached other areas. How will we find out now which area will go to hell and which in Paradise.
I lampoon a bit this topic, it is true, but forgive me, I can’t help doing  it.
What has been happening for so many thousands of years is still happening today, by inexperienced teachers and brokers, who trade the Son of God, trade the very God, keep people in fear and despair and they live well at the same time that people are cast out of the truth by which they would be lifted up.
And what about confession? Have we forgotten about it? We all make sins.
Let's say then that we will all go to hell and finish this. Who is the one who will tell you without knowing the will of God, whether you will go to hell or not? Who is the one who will estimate the weight of every sin? If a woman aborts, we think she will go to hell, but then a liar, a hypocrite of God who says this to her, where will he go?We abolish the mystery and the beneficial power of confession by ourselves? Have we become gods now? And send souls to hell?
Do not be surprised my children that I am talking this way. I did not come here to stay for long. And from what I say you understand, that even if I want to stay, others will take care of my removal. I will disappear suddenly. To close a mouth that tells the truth. As was the case of our Christ Jesus. He wasn’t in the best interests of status quo and they closed his mouth. But before this is done, I want to help you understand (for this I have done this entire great introduction from the first steps of man) that God, our true God, the one who created man and the universes does not want to fear Him.
Nor is He looking for servants and subordinates. If He wanted to be near this kind of people, He would make as many billion robots as He needed in the sky, He would program them the way He wanted and everything would be fine. But He gave us free will. He made us people not robots. He does not want to be afraid of Him.
He wants but also deserves to love Him. That is what He expects from us.
Like any normal father or mother want their children to love them and not fear them.
We have mistaken God and we approach Him in the wrong way.
We all say we love God. And all of us are trying to be good kids .......
To go to him.
But this is not love, my children. This is purposefulness. I will be good to be in the world of God. Will I pretend good? But who am I trying to deride? The one who controls even my last cell? Will I pretend good?
No, my child. Do not pretend to be good. You've missed the point. Do not pretend  good.
Be good. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you pretend to be good, surely society is benefited through your fallacy. But for your soul to benefit, you must be truly good. When you help a lady across the street to avoid being hit by a car but at the same time you think that since you do good, you will also get something from God, you are not good. You are obscene and your act hides self-interest.
I do not know if you will go to Paradise or not, {only God knows this who will weigh your general presence in life}, but I know that your whole approach towards God is wrong. In the end, they will not be judged for Paradise, those who were good actors, in the role of good.
But the good ones !!!!!!!!!!!
Since God has given us moral rules about how we can go to him. Let's apply them.
We carry as I said, through our inheritance, the syndrome of frightened man which has entered us. We do not love God. We're afraid of Him.
That makes Him really sad. But also takes us away from Him.
I recently experienced the case of a young man who had submitted some advanced questions that were of concern to him about our religion { as he said to me}to a priest. The priest's answers did not cover him and he turned to the Twelve Gods of Olympus. This incident was basically the occasion to say what I am saying today. It had made a great impression on me, a young man thinking like that. He had to believe in a God. To have someone to bow down his head.
Didn’t you get the answer you wanted? Ask someone else. Do not change religion. And go where my child? To Twelve Gods? A young man?
We have already mentioned it. It is the D.N.A we inherited from the first people. Does anyone want to find God? Let him learn to love. So simple. If he learns to love people, God will reveal to him. No farmer sows in a barren field. Cultivate your soul with love and the seed will come
Remember the words of Jesus Christ. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF.
To be able to experience the grandeur of love finally and to love God, with the true love He deserves. With true love away from fear. This true love is what will open the Heaven to you in order to enter His world. I am trying to remind you of these words through what I am saying and writing until I disappear.
 If you understand them, God will make sure that others more capable than me will come to harvest what I have managed {if I have managed} to sow in your souls.
Some people have been ironic because I use, by my name, the LIGHT OF LIGHT.
They told me: ‘ Do you represent the LIGHT OF LIGHT?’ I have said many times though that I am responsible for what I say and not for what others understand.
Of course I am not the Light of Light. LIGHT OF LIGHT is our Jesus Christ. It is mentioned in the ‘symbol’ of our faith. The Creed as we call it. For those who know it. I put beside my name, LIGHT OF LIGHT because I want to feel that I have His presence next to me and to get enlightenment from him. A ray of this light I am, my children, as you are too. Nothing special.
A ray of light that tries to illuminate some rays that have been ostracized away from their source so that they can find their way back again and all together we can unite again with the true LIGHT OF LIGHT. Our beloved Jesus Christ. In truth and love.
Be blessed my children in the love of God. The true God, the Creator of everything.
Father Fanourios

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